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Cats go through several physical and behavioral changes while they are in heat. Eventually, an unspayed female cat will begin to have heat cycles, and if she mates with a male during this time, it can lead to a pregnancy. Here are some tips for preventing undesired pregnancy, what to expect, and determining if your cat is in heat.
Oestrus or estrus refers to the hormonal shifts that female cats go through to be ready for reproduction. The first heat cycle in a cat usually starts between six and ten months of age and lasts far into old age. Cats are prolific breeders; they can reproduce by repeating their heat cycle every 14 to 21 days, or until they are spayed or become pregnant.
Due to daylight's influence on their heat cycles, cats are seasonal breeders. While they can be fertile throughout the year, they usually go through heat cycles in the spring and summer when the days are longer, and a dormant phase from late autumn to early winter when the days are shorter.
When a cat is in heat, they experience many bodily changes that impact their behaviour.
Although it's difficult to determine a cat's hormone levels at home, several behavioural changes may be a sign that she's in heat. During your cat's estrus, you might observe one or more of the following symptoms:
During her heat cycle, your female cat might display increased affection by rubbing her hindquarters against various objects, including furniture, toys, other cats, and possibly even you. This behavior can be distinguished from general restlessness, (which could indicate
discomfort requiring veterinary attention) by observing how she lifts her tail or occasionally adopts a mating posture.
During heat, a cat might spend more time licking her genital area, even if there's no blood. Unlike humans, cats don't shed the lining of their uterus during their cycle, so bleeding isn't expected. However, excessive genital licking could also indicate a urinary tract disorder, which requires prompt treatment. If your cat only displays this behavior without other signs of heat, it's advisable to consult a veterinarian.
During heat, cats often vocalize loudly, a behavior known as "calling," which can persist for several days until mating occurs. When ready to mate, the female cat assumes a specific posture called lordosis: head down, forelegs bent, rear quarters raised to expose the perineum, and tail held to the side of the body. In this stance, her rear legs may tread rhythmically as if walking in place.
During heat, a female cat may exhibit spraying behavior similar to male cats, marking
vertical surfaces with urine. This involves backing up to the chosen surface, raising the tail, and possibly performing rhythmic treading movements. While it may appear distressing to some, this behavior is normal for a cat in heat.
During heat, your cat may experience a notable reduction in appetite as her focus shifts towards reproduction rather than feeding herself. Keep an eye on her eating habits, as this change should typically last no longer than two weeks. If she refuses to eat altogether or doesn't return to her usual eating routine after this period, it's advisable to consult your veterinarian for further guidance.
During heat, your cat's instincts may lead her to dart towards the door when it opens, driven by her urge to seek potential mates outside. It's not uncommon for an indoor cat to wander away for several days, or even up to a week or more during this period. To prevent her from escaping, ensure all exit points are securely closed and closely monitor her. Engaging her in play can also help redirect her attention away from the desire to wander.
While cats in heat don't usually feel pain, they may experience discomfort or agitation due to their hormonal urge to mate. It's important to provide extra care and attention to your cat during this time. Additionally, there's a risk of unwanted pregnancies if your cat isn't spayed. To prevent this cycle and avoid the possibility of unexpected litters, consider having your cat spayed by a veterinarian.
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