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The effects of climate change are increasingly evident in Lahore, where its once-thriving wildlife population is rapidly diminishing.
Over the past few decades, more than 170 bird species have vanished from the city, which was once known as the 'City of Gardens'.
Environmental experts highlight various factors contributing to this decline, including deforestation, rising pollution, urban sprawl, and water scarcity—all exacerbated by climate change.
Lahore, Pakistan’s second-largest city, has seen drastic changes in its biodiversity.
Once home to over 250 bird species, only 70 to 80 species now remain.
Experts attribute this to the abundance of non-native trees, which provide little food or nesting grounds for local wildlife.
Furthermore, chemicals used in urban pest control and agriculture are affecting not only wild animals but also those in captivity.
Zoo animals, pets, and other wildlife are facing challenges as changing weather patterns disrupt breeding cycles.
The longer summers and shorter winters further impact their ability to reproduce naturally. Despite efforts to provide better conditions for captive animals, the overall effects of climate change are undeniable.
Conservationists argue that while climate change can't be entirely stopped, its effects can be mitigated through better environmental policies.
Increasing native tree plantations, reducing pollution, and banning exotic species are some of the suggested measures to restore the region’s ecological balance.
Lahore's atmosphere, once filled with diverse birdlife, is now dominated by scavenger species.
Experts stress the urgency of collective action to reverse the damage and preserve the city’s remaining wildlife.
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